Author Archives: adminy2t

Test Your Scottish Knowledge with Our Fun Quiz! (34th Week)

1.Which US General’s grandfather was born in Glasgow in 1817?a. Patton b. Eisenhower c. MacArthur 2.What do you call someone from the island of Islay?a. Ileach b. Islayman c. Islesman 3.What was the last James Bond film that starred Sean Connery?a. Never Say Never Again b. Goldeneye c. Casino Royale Sir Sean Connery (born in […]

Test Your Scottish Knowledge with Our Fun Quiz! (33th Week)

1.What is the name used for the kind of legislative power the Scottish Parliament has?a. independent b. devolved c. full In 1999, power to legislate on issues like health andeducation in Scotland were devolved to the newScottish Parliament, while other areas like defenceand foreign policy remained the responsibility of theHouse of Commons in London. 2.How […]

Test Your Scottish Knowledge with Our Fun Quiz! (32th Week)

1.When did King Macbeth reign?a. 1021-1040 b. 1040-1057 c. 1057-1079 2.Which island in the Firth of Forth is home to thousands of seabirds and was once a prison?a. Bass Rock b. Inchcolm c. Isle of May This formerly volcanic rock lies off North Berwickin East Lothian and can be visited by boat. Its hugeseabird colony […]

Test Your Scottish Knowledge with Our Fun Quiz! (31th Week)

1.What is the legal definition of a ‘croft’?a. house b. walled field c. unit of land A ‘croft’ is technically a plot of land over which thecrofter enjoys special rights to live, farm or fishfrom. Crofting rights came to the fore during the19th century when, after some bitter recrimination,legislation enshrined certain privileges for thetraditional crofter […]

Test Your Scottish Knowledge with Our Fun Quiz! (30th Week)

1.Which Roman wall runs between Bo’ness and Glasgow?a. Antonine b. Hadrians c. Flodden The wall marking the northernmost frontier of theRoman empire was constructed during the reign ofEmperor Antonius Pius in AD 143. It was some 37 mileslong with a series of garrison forts of which RoughCastle is one of the survivors today. 2.From which […]

Test Your Scottish Knowledge with Our Fun Quiz! (29th Week)

1.When did the first book on clan tartans appear?a. 1731 b. 1781 c. 1831 2.What do the ‘Registers of Scotland’ look after?a. marriage records b. property records c. birth certificates The ‘Registers of Scotland’ offices based atMeadowbank in Edinburgh provide comprehensiverecords and data on property and land salesthroughout the country 3.Which clan name’s English version […]

Test Your Scottish Knowledge with Our Fun Quiz! (28th Week)

1.Who played the bagpipes during the battle of the ‘Alamo’ at San Antonio, Texas?a. Jim Bowie b. John McGregor c. Davy Crockett 2.Where was Scotland’s first lighthouse?a. Sumburgh Head (Shetland) b. Isle of May (Firth of Forth)c. Mull of Galloway Scotland’s first lighthouse was built in 1636 on theIsle of May in the Firth of […]

Test Your Scottish Knowledge with Our Fun Quiz! (27th Week)

1.What does the Gaelic word ‘plaid’ mean?a. tartan b. blanket c. kilt 2.Scottish singer/songwriter KT Tunstall attended primary school in which of the following towns?a. Arbroath b. St Andrews c. Largs 3.Which Scottish American made the ‘liberty or death’ speeches during the USA War of Independence?a. Andrew Hamilton b. Patrick Henry c. Benjamin Franklin 4.Which […]

Test Your Scottish Knowledge with Our Fun Quiz! (26th Week)

1.Who was made a saint in 1249 by the church in Rome?a. Queen Gruoch b. Queen Matilda c. Queen Margaret Margaret (c.1046-93) was the Queen of MalcolmIII. She was actually born in Hungary and came toScotland after the Norman conquest of England in1066 – She was mother to three Scottish kings – Edgar,Alexander and David. […]