1.When was the Hollywood epic Braveheart released?
a. 1975
b. 1985
c. 1995
The original script for Braveheart was written by a
struggling American writer, Randall Wallace, after a
visit to Edinburgh in 1983. 12 years later it became
a box office hit in the hands of actor, director and
producer, Mel Gibson.
2.Which regiment is also known as ‘Princess Louise’s’?
a. Black Watch
b. Royal Scots Greys
c. Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders
3.Members of which family were killed at the ‘Black Dinner’ at Edinburgh Castle in 1440?
a. Hepburn
b. Armstrong
c. Douglas
The ‘Keeper of the Castle’, Sir William Crichton,
invited his arch-rivals, the Douglases, to dine with
him and the King at the castle. After dinner, Crichton
presented the Douglas family with a bull’s head, the
sign of their condemnation to death, and subsequently
executed them, leading to members of Clan Douglas
laying siege to the castle.
4.Where was the steering gear for the ship the Titanic made?
a. Greenock
b. Edinburgh
c. Dundee
5.Which army regiment traditionally recruited from the Grampian area?
a. Queen’s Own Highlanders
b. Gordon Highlanders
c. Seaforth Highlanders
6.When was the Lockerbie bombing?
a. 1988
c. 1989
c. 1990
7.Who first took out a patent for the transmission of light through a glass rod (fibre optics)?
a. Alexander Graham Bell
b. John Logie Baird
c. Thomas William James
8.Which island lies furthest south?
a. Harris
b. Skye
c. Arran
9.Which famous writer was called ‘Tusitala’ (teller of tales)?
a. Robert Burns
b. Robert Fergusson
c. Robert Louis Stevenson
The widely travelled writer Robert Louis Stevenson
settled in Samoa in 1890 where he earned the title
‘Tusitala’ (teller of tales). Upon his death at age 44
in 1894, he was buried by island chiefs at the top of
Mount Vaea in Samoa.
10.To whom do you swear allegiance on becoming a Member of the Scottish Government?
a. Robert the Bruce
b. Queen
c. God